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HomeMeet Metatime, The Ant Hive Mind-Inspired Blockchain That Wants Nothing Less Than World Domination

Meet Metatime, The Ant Hive Mind-Inspired Blockchain That Wants Nothing Less Than World Domination


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With its declared goals of becoming one of the world’s top three blockchain ecosystems within just three years, and the world’s most widely used financial ecosystem two years after that, the creators of Metatime certainly cannot be accused of lacking in ambition.

Moreover, they certainly don’t lack in terms of creativity either, for the secret sauce that they believe will help them achieve these goals comes in the shape of a novel blockchain consensus algorithm that’s inspired by the hive mind of ants.

A Networked Mind

Colonies of ants are sometimes referred to as “superorganisms” because of the way they all work together to achieve the same goal – the health and growth of their colony. Different ants perform different, specialized roles. You have the individual worker ants that search for food, others that collect the food and take it back to the anthill once it’s found, others still that take care of the young, yet more who’re tasked with building and expanding the ant hill. And let’s not forget the warrior ants, who’re tasked with defending the colony from other ants and bugs. Finally, there’s the queen, whose sole job is to reproduce. It’s as if each ant colony is in fact, one giant network of interoperating parts.

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These individual parts of the ant nest all work in concert to feed, grow and defend the colony, migrate when necessary and sense their environment, and will often make collective decisions on what to do next. In some ways, ant colonies can be likened to the human brain, with each ant being a separate brain cell, or neuron. Like ants, neurons are also simple things relative to the highly complex brain that they belong in. Cognition emerges as a result of the millions of interactions between large numbers of neurons, and networks of ants display a similar kind of intelligence.

Together, ant colonies come to decisions. They carefully allocate behavior based on the collective intelligence they gather about their surroundings, allowing the colony to achieve its goals more effectively than if all of the ants were all acting individually. The colony processes information about its own state and environment, and then adapts accordingly to decide the most optimal behavior.

A Hive Mind For Blockchain Transactions

This concept of the ant hive mind is the inspiration behind Metatime’s MetaChain blockchain, which uses a technology known as MetaAnthill to synchronize the network at high speed, while using the resources of multiple types of platform-independent hardware in the most efficient way. MetaAnthill adopts the structure of an ant colony to maximize workforce allocation and efficiency to enable a claimed transaction processing speed of just 0.1 seconds, through a mining network made up of mobile devices and PCs.

MetaAnthill acts as a software library written in the Java programming language. It’s a platform-independent integrated accelerator and smart processing router that works by scanning the host device at the hardware level, in order to ascertain the available resources and its configuration. With this information, it’s then able to create the optimal path structure for network synchronization across nodes. In this way, the MetaChain becomes vastly more scalable than rival blockchain designs, with its seamless inter-node synchronization minimizing the confirmation times of transactions to process millions at a time, in under one second.

MetaAnthil facilitates transactions through an innovative “hybrid mining” mechanism that’s powered by a novel “Proof-of-Meta” consensus algorithm to create what Metatime says will be one of the most decentralized and secure blockchains of all. Proof-of-Meta makes it possible to profitably mine transactions with any hardware, thanks to the way MetaAnthill optimizes the various resources powering the Metatime network.

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According to Metatime co-founder and CEO Yusuf Sevim, there are three different kinds of miners that make up the MetaChain network, depending on what hardware they’re using. First are the MetaMiners, which use the Meta Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm, meaning they stake MetaCoin to validate transactions. They play the key role of monitoring network traffic, and redirecting it to the other miners based on the level of incoming transactions. Second, we have MacroMiners that employ the Meta Proof-of-History mechanism to ensure that the hardware required for MetaChain is analyzed, and the necessary software installations are completed and used. Finally, there are MicroMiners, which use the Meta Proof-of-Social work consensus algorithm and are tasked with monitoring the density and ping time of each node in order to communicate and direct synchronization and integration of transactions into the wider network, in the fastest possible way.

In this system, each incoming transaction is pre-verified by MetaAnthill before being sent to MetaMiners, MacroMiners and MicroMinders for block generation via smart load optimization. Verified transactions, once confirmed, are processed into blocks and shared with the entire network, synchronized by Meta and Macro nodes.

So just like ant hills, which allocate resources to ensure the colony functions with maximum efficiency, each type of miner plays a key role in ensuring the blockchain runs as efficiently as possible.

The final piece of the puzzle is MetaCoin, which is akin to the pheromones used by individual ants to pass messages to one another. MetaCoin is the native token of the MetaChain, used in smart contract applications and transactions.

Metatime is currently gearing up for the launch of MetaCoin via a private sale on March 3. The initial sale, which comes ahead of Metatime’s ICO later in the year, will see 100 million MTC tokens sold at a price of $0.07, with no minimum buying quantity required.

World Domination?

With its unique, bio-inspired hive mind design, Metatime looks to be one of the most promising new blockchains to launch in 2023, aiming to solve questions around slow transaction times and scalability issues. It’s a radical concept that’s designed to support a hugely ambitious ecosystem that will initially consist of the MetaChain, MetaExchange, MetaNFT Marketplace, MetaLaunchpad, MetaExplorer, MetaWallet, MetaCoin and MetaStablecoin.

It remains to be seen if Metatime will emerge to challenge existing smart contract blockchains like Ethereum, but it’s based on a very successful  model. After all, there are many who argue that ants, not humans, are actually the most dominant species in the world, and it’s hard to counter  that viewpoint if we’re going on numbers alone. A study last year estimated that there are likely more than 20 quadrillion ants in the world, equating to approximately 2.5 million for every human that walks the Earth.

Scientists say that the success of ants is primarily due to their sophisticated level of cooperation. Communication allows ants to act like a single hive mind and find the most optimal way to maximize how they gather and use resources, and it is this that has allowed them to spread to virtually every corner of the globe. With a network modeled on the same behavior that’s focused on optimizing transactions, Metatime hopes to dominate the blockchain world in a similar fashion.

DisClamier: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect The Crypto Basic opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. The Crypto Basic is not responsible for any financial losses.


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