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Ammara Mubin is a cryptocurrency reporter and trader with vast experience in the industry. Mubin has written several news stories related to the crypto industry, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized finance (DeFi), fundraising, mining, etc. Her major focus is covering regulatory events that are capable of shaping the entire crypto ecosystem.

Binance Holds Over 87 Trillion Shiba Inu As Reserves

Binance holds nearly $1 billion in Shiba Inu. window.coinzilla_display = window.coinzilla_display || ; var c_display_preferences = {}; ...

Shiba Inu Holders Burn 21M SHIB Tokens in 9 Transactions

Despite the massive incineration, the SHIB burn rate slumped by 16% in the past day. window.coinzilla_display = window.coinzilla_display || ; ...

Kraken Enables Flare Funding and Staking To The Excitement Of XRP Holders

Kraken has enabled funding and staking for the Flare token as the airdrop distribution date draws closer for XRP holders. United States-based cryptocurrency exchange Kraken...

Multisig Address Created by Buterin Moves 40K ETH

A multisig wallet associated with Vitalik Buterin just transferred 40K ETH to an unknown address. A multi-signature Ethereum wallet created by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin...

Model For Maintaining The Peg of Cardano Stablecoin DJED Released

The model for maintaining the peg of Cardano's stablecoin Djed has been released, featuring a mint and burn mechanism involving DJED and SHEN. Cardano's soon-to-be-launched...

Elon Musk Trolls SBF Says He Was Better At ‘Bribing The Media’ Than Running FTX

Musk trolls SBF and asserts he was better at bribing media platforms than running his exchange. In a tweet today, Elon Musk trolled former FTX...

Will 10k BTC Moved By Mt. Gox Hacker Increase Bitcoin’s Selling Pressure?

Mt. Gox hacker has moved 10k BTC for the first time in over seven years. 10k BTC from a BTC-e exchange wallet associated with the...

Bitboy Calls Out Coinbase For Not Distributing SGB Tokens To XRP Holders

Bitboy Crypto is shocked that Coinbase is yet to distribute SGB airdrop tokens to XRP holders. Crypto influencer and YouTuber Ben Armstrong, AKA Bitboy Crypto,...

Updates on FTX Saga and SEC Case Major Determinants of XRP $0.40 Reclamation

XRP seeks to reclaim the $0.40 price level, but its success on this journey looks hinged on updates from the FTX saga and Ripple's...

Voting Is Live For Terra Classic Proposal To Re-open IBC Channels By December 5

Edward Kim has initiated voting for the proposal to re-open IBC channels before the v23 upgrade. Terra Classic core developer Edward Kim has initiated voting...