Following the launch of Shiba Inu Doggy Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) Phase 1 on ShibaSwap, the floor price of the Shiboshi skyrocketed after the...
The world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, Binance, has launched a new staking initiative with high ROI for Shiba Inu (SHIB) and other digital currencies.
According to...
Brazillian Exchange Foxbit Announces the Listing of Shiba Inu (SHIB) Along With 4 Other Crypto Assets.
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The cryptocurrency community quickly class different digital currencies based on their use cases. Coins and tokens initially designed with a clear use case are...
A recent Tweet from Microsoft has made Shiba Inu Community curious.
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Steven Cooper, the founder of Bigger Entertainment, has announced that since the Shiba Inu community started the initiative to reduce the cryptocurrency's total supply,...
Sandeep Nailwal, a cofounder of Polygon (MATIC) and founder of Crypto Relief, has just posted a CryptoRelief Update via his official Twitter handle.
According to...