Are you thinking of diversifying your crypto portfolio? Would you like to take advantage of emerging coins with high growth potential? Have no time and desire to switch between various crypto platforms? In this case, you need to find an exchange with a huge number of coins and pairs available.
Luckily, we’ve put up a list of the top 5 exchanges with the biggest number of supported cryptos.
Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting out, these platforms are worth your attention. They provide you with a great selection of crypto pairs and the most expensive cryptocurrencies that match your interests and needs.
So why wait? Let’s explore these crypto sites together! Who knows, maybe you’ll pick a gem for yourself.
If coin selection matters to you a lot, LetsExchange can be your go-to platform. Why? That’s because it offers you a whopping 1.9 million pairs and over 4410 coins to choose from. Can you imagine this? Yes, that’s a reality with LetsExchange. For example, if you’d like to swap BTC to XMR, you can use a handy BTC to XMR converter to get coins quickly and safely. Many other pairs are also available. Check, choose, swap. It’s that easy!
The best part? These guys don’t stop here. The platform gives you a lot of other amazing perks, like a high level of security, no KYC verifications, and no trading limits. Pretty much impressive, right? The only drawback that we’ve managed to spot is the exchange fees. They are not the smallest in the industry. However, they are not sky-high either.
Dozens of positive reviews left on Trustpilot serve as sound proof of the popularity of this platform among traders.
This platform gets the second spot on our list. It offers you over 1700 crypto coins to choose from. Not bad, right? All major coins and altcoins are available. That’s why 12 million traders turn to this site every month. And let’s not forget about low trading fees. The maximum fee of 0.2% is way lower than the fees of many competitors.
One of the main disadvantages of is that it’s not regulated. The platform operates without licenses and regulatory oversight. It means higher risks for its users.
Kucoin gives you a fantastic opportunity to trade over 700 altcoins and coins. Thus, you have plenty of exchange options that you can use to your benefit. All major coins, as well as altcoins, are available on the site.
Multiply this by relatively low trading fees, and you get an excellent crypto trading exchange that is attractive for both seasoned traders and beginners. The fees can vary from 0.1% to 0.02%. On the other hand, if you are from the US, Kukoin won’t be the best option for you. That’s because it’s not licensed in this country.
If you’d like to get your hands on many niche altcoins, MEXC can be an excellent option for you. The site has over 1700 various coins for you to pick from.
This change is well-known for its super-low trading fees. For example, market makers don’t have to pay any spot trading fees. Even taker fees are very reasonable (from 0.02% to 0.2%).
It’s beginner-friendly and easy to use. It can also boast of high liquidity. As a top 10 exchange globally, MEXC supports very strong liquidity across all its major trading pairs.
If you go for spot trading, OKX can be a good option. It offers more than 350 coins and tokens for spot trading. More importantly, OKX has a handy site and mobile app. As a result, you are sure to get a smooth user experience. Strong security is also in place. OKX uses cold wallet storage, 2FA, SSL encryption, and other security measures to protect your assets reliably.
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