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HomeCrypto NewsMarketCharles Hoskinson Says Cardano is Here to Stay and Not Dead

Charles Hoskinson Says Cardano is Here to Stay and Not Dead


Charles Hoskinson, the founder of Cardano, has taken a swipe at naysayers, asserting that the blockchain is here to stay amid widespread FUD.

In a recent post on X, Hoskinson expressed dismay at the observed contrast between Cardano’s actual progress and the portrayal by crypto influencers and the media.

According to him, never in his professional journey has he witnessed such a significant disconnect between the reality of Cardano’s achievements and the opinions of influencers and media.

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Why Cardano is Here to Stay from Technical Perspectives

Hoskinson highlighted that the Cardano team is on the brink of the most significant hard fork in the project’s history. Specifically, Cardano anticipates the Chang hard fork, scheduled for Q2 this year. 

This milestone will begin a new governance era for the blockchain, which results from years of hard work, rigorous testing, and community participation.

Amid this, Hoskinson noted that the Cardano community is witnessing rapid growth in decentralized applications (dApps). This suggests a thriving ecosystem that is gaining traction among developers and users. 

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Other technological developments within the Cardano ecosystem include the maturation of the layer-2 scaling solution Hydra. Hoskinson also disclosed ongoing work on partner chains, including Midnight and Prism, which are anticipated to enhance the blockchain environment.

Furthermore, the Cardano founder revealed that the project is at the forefront of scaling research and development within the industry. However, per his observation, critics are painting a different picture of Cardano to the public. 

Cardano Pursuing Several High-profile Events

In addition to these technical advancements, Cardano is preparing for several high-profile events. One such event is Rare EVO, a blockchain convention scheduled for August 15-17, 2024. 

According to Hoskinson, Rare EVO promises to be a major gathering that welcomes multi-chain projects, industry leaders, investors, and enthusiasts. The event will focus on interoperability and the convergence of traditional industry with Web3 technology.

Hoskinson also mentioned that the upcoming Cardano Foundation summit would be another significant event for the community. Moreover, he disclosed that Cardano will be present at Token 2049, another leading crypto event. These underscore Cardano’s ongoing commitment to engaging with the broader industry.

Cardano Is Not Dying

With an endless list of positive developments for Cardano in the next six months, Hoskinson noted it is impossible to keep up. In contrast, he would observe appalling headlines in crypto media questioning Cardano’s longevity.

“Then I look at the crypto media, and the headlines are ‘Will Cardano die?'” Hoskinson said. “It’s beyond pathetic,” Cardano founder lamented. 

Hoskinson went on to assert that Cardano is here to stay and is a juggernaut that will drive the industry forward. He projects that Cardano will be addressing real-world economic, political, and social issues, even if it has to do so forcefully.

Disclaimer: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect The Crypto Basic’s opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. The Crypto Basic is not responsible for any financial losses.



Abdulkarim Abdulwahab
Abdulkarim Abdulwahabhttp://thecryptobasic.com
Abdulkarim Abdulwahab is a blockchain writer with a specific interest in journalistic writing. He covers breaking events in the crypto community and blockchain industry. Over the past year, he has published over 1,500 short-form and long-form content for Web3 publishing firms.

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