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HomeCrypto NewsMarketPundit Identifies Four Factors That Can Propel Cardano to $3

Pundit Identifies Four Factors That Can Propel Cardano to $3


Amid recent struggles for Cardano, a notable analyst identifies four key developments that could drive ADA up by 600% to $3 this year.

Cardano (ADA) has underperformed in the bull market in recent weeks, struggling to rise above the psychological $0.50 level. The ongoing market downturn has worsened ADA’s position, pushing it dangerously close to falling below $0.40.

Despite ADA’s continuous retreat from the $1 mark, there remains optimism about its prospects for the remainder of the year. Sebastian, a notable analyst, recently expressed confidence that ADA could reach $3 this year.

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Notably, $3 is approximately Cardano’s all-time high, which it last reached during the height of the 2021 bull run. With ADA trading at $0.4322, it is 86% below its September 2021 ATH of $3.10.

Reclaiming this threshold in 2024 demands that ADA soar by over 600% within the next six months. This is a challenging feat, particularly since Cardano has not seen a rally of this magnitude during the current bull market. As a result, the analyst grounded his ambitious outlook on four upcoming developments within the Cardano ecosystem.

Four Factors Expected to Drive Cardano to $3 in 2024

Leading this list was Cardano’s recent collaborations with multiple public administrative entities in Argentina.

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Cardano Argentina Partnerships 

On June 5, the Cardano Foundation partnered with Entre Ríos, a collaboration formalized by Governor Rogelio Frigerio and Cardano’s business development officer Rafael Fraga. This partnership looks to integrate blockchain technology into public administration, driving digital transformation.

Two days later, J.J. Siler, the Chief of Staff of IOG, signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Buenos Aires. The aim is to host a constitutional convention exploring blockchain applications via Cardano. 

Emphatically, these partnerships are expected to enhance Cardano’s adoption in Argentina by demonstrating its practical applications in public administration.

Chang Hard Fork

The Cardano Chang Hard Fork has been teased as the most significant upgrade for the Cardano blockchain, which is anticipated this month. This hard fork is expected to mark a new era of decentralized governance for Cardano. 

Notably, Cardano is in the Basho era, which introduced Hydra. The next era is the Voltaire era, the final stage of its roadmap. This era focuses on complete decentralization through community governance, where ADA holders can influence the network’s future. The Chang hard fork is the first significant step in this era.

New dApp and 1.5B ADA Unlock

Furthermore, the analyst highlighted the launch of new dApps on Cardano and the anticipated unlocking of 1.5 billion ADA tokens from the treasury. These tokens will be invested in ecosystem growth and adoption, which are vital factors supporting Cardano’s potential journey to $3 this year.

Disclaimer: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect The Crypto Basic’s opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. The Crypto Basic is not responsible for any financial losses.



Abdulkarim Abdulwahab
Abdulkarim Abdulwahabhttp://thecryptobasic.com
Abdulkarim Abdulwahab is a blockchain writer with a specific interest in journalistic writing. He covers breaking events in the crypto community and blockchain industry. Over the past year, he has published over 1,500 short-form and long-form content for Web3 publishing firms.

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