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HomeCrypto NewsMarketRipple CTO Addresses New Employees From Metaco, Advocates Firmness Against Oppressive Regulators

Ripple CTO Addresses New Employees From Metaco, Advocates Firmness Against Oppressive Regulators


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Ripple CTO’s humorous motivational talk to new employees amidst regulatory challenges emphasizes unity against a “tyrannical regulator.”

Earlier today, Ripple’s CTO, David Schwartz, took to Twitter to share a screenshot of a motivational talk he prepared to deliver to the new Ripple employees joining from Metaco, a Swiss-based custody and tokenization firm.

Recall that The Crypto Basic reported Ripple’s acquisition of Metaco last month. The motivational talk from Schwartz intended to be humorous rather than factual and aimed to inspire the incoming team amidst ongoing regulatory challenges.

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Schwartz’s motivational speech began with reflective questions about the struggle for greatness and the lifetime dedication required. The CTO emphasized that the day marked a significant moment in Ripple’s journey.

Using metaphoric language, Schwartz referred to the “powers of the free pass,” symbolizing Bitcoin and Ethereum, highlighting their participation on the side of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) against numerous blockchain projects. 

Despite this opposition, Schwartz saw it as a privilege to stand alongside the two dominant cryptocurrencies and face the regulatory challenges together.

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Ripple CTO Points to a Tyrannical Regulator

Drawing attention to a singular antagonist, described as a “tyrannical regulator,” Schwartz accused them of engaging in fraudulent acts and provocation, betraying their own country’s population. 

“One man, one man only, a tyrannical regulator, through a series of infinite provocations, betraying with a supreme fraud the population of his own country, wanted this war and had prepared for it day by day with diabolical obstinacy,” the lines read.

Schwartz urged his audience to see themselves as warriors fighting against regulatory oppression. He encouraged them to prove their worth in this crucial moment and not yield to regulatory pressure nor relinquish the ledger. 

While he clarified that his speech was meant to be humorous and not a factual representation of the situation, his words reflected the underlying tension between Ripple and regulatory authorities. 

The SEC’s slew of lawsuits against major crypto-focused firms, including Ripple, Binance, and Coinbase, have sparked significant criticism and debates. The crypto community eagerly awaits the outcome of these actions and their implication for the American economy.

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Abdulkarim Abdulwahab
Abdulkarim Abdulwahabhttp://thecryptobasic.com
Abdulkarim Abdulwahab is a blockchain writer with a specific interest in journalistic writing. He covers breaking events in the crypto community and blockchain industry. Over the past year, he has published over 1,500 short-form and long-form content for Web3 publishing firms.

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