As many investors and traders can tell you, trading cryptocurrencies can be exhausting and sometimes even take a toll on your health. Some may even feel addicted to the activity and need rehabilitation to escape their trading obsession.
Business Insider presents a report of an anonymous patient at Castle Craig Hospital in Scotland. The patient wanted to keep his identity confidential to avoid social judgment. Business Insider also claimed they had corroborated the story with hospital staff to ensure its veracity with the source’s permission.
According to the patient, he has always had an addictive personality since he was a teenager. He first started with drugs and alcohol and was even arrested for possession of narcotics. After the arrest, he decided to go into rehab at 22.
After the period of rehabilitation, he went on to have an everyday life, even getting a good job and a promising career.
“In my 30’s, I managed to find a good career. I was making £90,000 a year in the tunnel excavation business.”, the patient told business insider.
However, even with life “on track,” he ended up being tormented by this personality more linked to addictions; at the same time, he started trading in the stock market.
In 2015, he found cryptocurrencies, initially using Bitcoin to buy drugs on the Dark Web, still trading stocks. He then began to develop an obsession with Bitcoin chart patterns; eventually, this obsession led him to trade more and more of crypto.
“I remember the first time I laid eyes on a Bitcoin chart: Crypto was perfect. Crypto was similar to Nasdaq charts or stocks like an apple. The chart showed the growth of bitcoin and created a curve, beautiful, up and downs that I started to worship.”
Over time, the investor did nothing but trade, spending up to 8 hours a day trading, consuming narcotics, and watching charts. According to him, every 8-9 hours, he would make 100 trades, losing £1,000, gaining £5,000.
“After a while, I didn’t care anymore if I was winning or losing. all I wanted was to follow the charts.”
I wanted to become a millionaire but lost everything: The patient also said that his main goal was to become a millionaire, but that dream didn’t take long to distance herself from him.
“Eventually, I lost everything. I believed I had the intelligence, the opportunity, and the power to trade until I was a millionaire. Trading was like riding a roller coaster. I had ups and downs, but with each low, I fell more and more.”
By 2014 he was already in debt; the same year he was diagnosed with autism and addiction issues, that’s when he lost his job. In 2019 he declared personal bankruptcy.
“In five years, I lost everything I had worked hard to get. I lost my integrity, my trust, and my money.”
The situation reached a critical level, and the trader began to contemplate the possibility of suicide.
“I was seriously thinking suicide, but someone close supported me to get admitted to Castle Craig hospital, the only rehabilitation clinic that treats crypto trading addiction.”
In some cases, cryptocurrency trading addiction is similar to gambling habits, with moments of euphoria after profits and despair in losses. It is vital to have a solid mentality to be a trader, especially in short-term trades.
“If you are like me and gambling with the high risks of the market with full of fear, uncertainty, and insecurity about your trading – I would advise you to stop immediately. Recognize your value rather than running after millions. Seek help, talk to people, and get out of the game.”, concluded the patient.
Stress and anxiety are problems that accompany many traders and harm many others, as we have seen before. The crucial thing is to plan your traders, have an exit strategy before entering any traders, manage your risks, and most significantly, always take care of your health first.
DisClamier: This content is informational and should not be considered financial advice. The views expressed in this article may include the author's personal opinions and do not reflect The Crypto Basic opinion. Readers are encouraged to do thorough research before making any investment decisions. The Crypto Basic is not responsible for any financial losses.